for your Ceremony in Ravello - Amalfi Coast - Italy
We offer personalized symbolic or blessing ceremonies in the enchanting town of Ravello. Additionally, we can assist with civil wedding celebrant and translation services, whether you choose the beautiful *Principessa di Piemonte* garden, the historic *Palazzo Tolla* town hall, or the elegant *Villa Eva*. Simply reach out to discuss how we can make your dream Ravello wedding a reality.

Wagner Tours wedding and weddings By Mario
Capuano is a local wedding company based in
Ravello on the Amalfi Coast, Italy. We are
a real team offering our knowledge and our
enthusiam as professional wedding planners.
Search on line credentials about us !!!
over 28 years of experience at Your Service.

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Mario Capuano has been officiating for over thirty years at all the events he organizes in Ravello, providing a unique and personalized experience for a memorable day

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Mario Capuano |Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Mario Capuano | Ravello | Italy

Mario Capuano | Ravello | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Wedding | Ravello | Amalfi Coast | Italy

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

With Mario Capuano, professional wedding planner in
Ravello, you can personalise your wedding day on the
Amalfi Coast, Ravello, the most romantic day of
your life could be exactly as you have dreamed with the
real help of a local expertise.

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Getting married with professional local wedding
planner, make your dream come true with the solution
Symbolic Ceremonies that can take place in private
villas, there are not restriction and not paperworks are
required ( pls don't confuse symbolic wedding with
Catholic or Civil wedding )

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony, with celebrant Mario

Wedding in Ravello - Amalfi Coast - Italy

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Getting married with professional local wedding

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Getting married with professional local wedding

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Another Ravello wedding dream signed by Mario Capuano

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding planner Mario Capuano

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Renewal of the vows at Villa Eva - Ravello

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Amalfi Coast, Wedding Ceremony

Getting married with professional local wedding
planner and celebrant for your intimate wedding in

Ravello wedding dream signed by Mario Capuano -
Alex and Danielle
Legal civil ceremonies must take place in the
garden of the Town Hall of Ravello ‘’ Belvedere
Principessa di Piemonte’’ overlooking the sea.
The civil ceremony is celebrated in Italian from
the register and with a celebrant\ translator.
We have spent years and now we are able to
perform a civil wedding with our special touch
and in Italian Style .

Celebration in Ravello -

Getting married with professional local wedding planner Mario Capuano

Renewal of the vows at Villa Eva - Ravello

Civil wedding in Ravello in the town hall garden
Principessa di Piemonte .. another dream signed by
Mario Capuano

A blessing wedding ceremony performed
performed in a Private Villa overlooking the
Amalfi Coast

Ceremony at the town hall garden '' Giardini
Principessa Piemonte ''

Renewal of the vows at Villa Eva - Ravello

A blessing wedding ceremony performed in a Private
Terrace overlooking the Amalfi Coast

Renewal of the vows at Villa Eva - Ravello

Civil Wedding Celebration in the Town Hall Garden

Civil Celebration in Ravello - Town Hall Garden Amalfi Coast

Blessing \ Symbolic celebration in private Villa
overlooking the Amalfi Coast

Blessing \ Symbolic celebration in private Villa
overlooking the Amalfi Coast

My name is Lena and my fiancé Dan ( From Sweden ) and I got married at Villa Eva Ravello We had an AMAZING Celebrant officiate our Symbolic Ceremony for us, Mario is just absolutely delightful. It was an incredibly beautiful Ceremony and we couldn't have done it without him.

Civil celebration in The Garden Principessa di Piemonte - Ravello

Civil celebration in The Garden Principessa di Piemonte - Ravello

Civil celebration in The Garden Principessa di Piemonte - Ravello

Civil celebration in The Garden Principessa di Piemonte - Ravello

Getting married with professional local wedding

Celebration renewall of the vows in private Villa - Ravello

Getting married with professional local wedding

Celebration renewall of the vows in private Villa - Ravello

Civil Celebration in the Principessa Piemonte
Garden Amalfi Coast - Ravello -

Civil Celebration in the Palazzo Tolla - Ravello -

Celebration in Ravello -

Renewal of the vows at Villa Eva - Ravello

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding

Getting married with professional local wedding
planner and celebrant for your intimate wedding in

Getting married with professional local wedding
planner and celebrant for your intimate wedding in

Another Ravello wedding dream signed by Mario Capuano